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graphic design


book design

website design


Click here to download my resume. 


Bachelor of Fine Arts Honors (Distinction) in Design Art (Visual Communication)

from School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University.

Diploma in Fine Art (Printmaking) 

from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts


Hello! I'm Debbie, a multidisciplinary creative designer with a foundation in Product Design and Graphic Design.

I had always been interested in using art and design to communicate ideas and concepts, and to explore different ways of storytelling. It's always exciting to discover more about how design is used in the every day and it's exceptionally rewarding to have a hand in the creation of that experience for others.


With a flair for drawing and an eye for detail, I'm quick to pick up skills that are creative in nature and I love to learn new things that can add to my artistic skillset. 

Interested to work together? 

Email me at or drop me a message on LinkedIn

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